
A Guide to the Townsfolk in Stardew Valley: The Easiest to Woo and Wed

A Guide to the Townsfolk in Stardew Valley: The Easiest to Woo and Wed

From cultivating crops, taming livestock, mining ores, and fishing, there are a whole lot of fun activities to do in Stardew Valley. As you work away at your chores, don’t forget to stop by the town to engage in relationships with your fellow townsfolk! Nurturing these relationships by gaining hearts can bring you bountiful gifts and blessings, so it’s definitely worth looking into. If you’re looking to find the easiest townsfolk to woo and wed in the game, look no further because we’ve got the ultimate list ready for you just down below.

1. Shane: The Town’s Lovable Loner

Shane is a character with rough edges but a heart of gold. Often found wallowing in his sorrows at the Stardrop Saloon, he’s an easy person to please with gifts of Beer, Pizza, or even Hot Peppers. You can purchase Beer and Pizza daily at the saloon, making Shane an easy-to-gift individual. All this means is that you’ll be able to quickly rake up the hearts! For an added bonus, despite his initial gruff demeanor, Shane opens up over time, revealing a touching storyline that really makes you sympathize with him.

After gaining all the hearts needed to tie the knot, Shane will often offer you a Pepper Popper in the mornings, a meal that will help boost your farming and speed. His room additions feature chickens and a blue chicken statue, a nice piece of decor to add to your farmhouse. He even helps around the farm by watering crops, feeding animals, and fixing fences! 

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2. Leah: The Artistic Free Spirit

Leah is a nature-loving woman who conveniently resides in a small cottage near your farm. Though she most appreciates gifts like Goat Cheese and Wine, items you can easily produce yourself once you’ve established your farm, she has a wide variety of easy giftable items in the early game. Liking most foraged items, you can gift her mushrooms, daffodils, spring onions, and even driftwood! Her simple list of liked goods definitely makes her one of the easiest townsfolk to impress in the game.

If you choose to marry her, Leah will surprise you with the occasional Sculpture and Salad, echoing her value for creativity and health. Adding a cool art studio to your farmhouse, Leah is a very hard-working spouse, contributing to your daily chores and occasionally making you breakfast. 

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3. Abigail: The Adventurous Purple-Haired Gamer

With her unique purple hair, you can often find Abigail practicing her flute outdoors or spending time in the graveyard. With an easy list of items she loves and likes, it’s super simple building a relationship with her. From Amythest to Quartz to Pumpkins, gift her any of those items to watch your hearts with her skyrocket. All you really need to do is plant loads of pumpkins during the fall and you’ll have a whole chestful of gifts ready to give to Abigail!

Once married, Abigail brings a unique twist to your farmhouse - she decorates her room with a drum set, posters, and an impressive sword display. The best benefit to marrying Abigail is she often presents you with Cherry Bombs, Bombs, Fried Mushrooms, or Crab Cakes, all of which are incredibly helpful for your trips to the mines.

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4. Harvey: The Gentle Doctor

If you’re just looking to speedrun through the game and find a quick and easy partner to marry, Harvey is probably your best bet. Although he’s one of the more boring and dull NPCs in the game, we can’t deny he’s one of the easiest to please. With his simple love for coffee, which you can purchase at the Stardrop Saloon, you’ll find it incredibly easy to load up on hearts and quickly advance your relationship with him. And because he’s usually working at the clinic, it’s not hard to locate him whenever you need him.

After marriage, Harvey will often surprise you with a Complete Breakfast, but that’s pretty much it. Still working at the clinic, you’ll be able to find him there most days. 

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5. Sam: The Fun-Loving Musician

Living at Jodi’s house near the bottom-left corner of town, Sam is always easy to locate. When he’s not at home jamming out or skateboarding nearby, you can likely spot him near Joja Mart or playing pool in the Stardrop Saloon. Loving Pizza, Maple Bars, and Joja Colas, Sam is a pretty easy character to please. You can often find Joja Colas just from fishing, making it a great backup gift. 

If you want a more fashionable addition to your house, Sam brings with him his electric guitar and drum set, perfectly reflecting his musical passion. Just like any other spouse, he’ll regularly do his chores and occasionally surprise you with breakfast.

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There you have it - these are the five easiest characters in Stardew Valley to build relationships with and eventually marry. If you’re planning on speedrunning through the game to get to the end game, these are all great options for you to consider. Just pick whichever character resonates the most with you and start getting your gifts ready!