
Suit Up: The 20 Coolest Superhero Outfits

Suit Up: The 20 Coolest Superhero Outfits

Superhero Costumes We Love

While you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, it's true that how a superhero is dressed can make or break its character. A good suit can really take a normal hero and turn them iconic. Just look at Superman for example - a simple S and red cape is enough to remind you of him immediately! Let's take a look at 20 of the coolest superhero outfits that really define these awesome characters.

SupermantBrinMacen on Pixabay

1. Spider-Man

Is there any superhero more loved and recognized than Spider-Man? As everyone's favorite friendly neighborhood hero, he's got to have a great suit to match. With the iconic red and blue colors, large white eyes, and web-like design, Peter Parker (shh!) has definitely got one of the most classic superhero outfits around. 

Spider-Man leaning on concrete brick while reading bookRoad Trip with Raj on Unsplash

2. Batman

Batman may just be a normal human being but his amazing suit makes him seem like a superhero. With that iconic bat cowl, black cape that flows in the night, and large bat sign across his chest, this has definitely got to be one of the coolest superhero suits around. When you see that bat in the night sky, you know he's somewhere lurking in the dark. 

black and white star wars lego mini figureMichael Marais on Unsplash

3. Catwoman

And if we're giving the bat a shout out, how could we leave out Catwoman? Yes, we know she's more of an anti-hero, but we just couldn't miss out on praising her look. We love costume designs that perfectly match the character's personality and vibe, and no one does it better than her. With her sleek, skin-tight black suit and cat ears, you'll know who it is from a mile away. 

Antonio FriedemannAntonio Friedemann on Pexels


4. Iron Man

As everyone's favorite Marvel character, we need to give Iron Man some love for his superhero outfit. The iconic red and gold suit is easily recognized by comic book fans around the world, regardless of if you read the comics or just watched the movies. We just love how high tech it looks as his zips around flying across the city. 

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5. Moon Knight

Although Moon Knight might be a lesser known hero, he's got an amazing outfit that might interest you with just one glance. With a moon symbol stapled across his chest, his suit perfectly embodies his character; dressed in all white with a hooded cloak, what more do you want from a hero that gets his powers from the moon?

a pile of comic books sitting on top of a tableEmre Turkan on Unsplash

6. Wolverine

Even before Hugh Jackman made this superhero iconic in the world of film, Wolverine was beloved by comic book fans not just for his fierce personality, but for his awesome look. Sure, the blades coming out of his hands are pretty cool, but can we talk about that awesome mask? Who knew blue and yellow could look so good paired together.

yellow blue and green dragon ball z characterJack O'Rourke on Unsplash

7. Superman

Superman may seem generic to many people, but don't forget, he's the first comic book hero that most characters are inspired and modeled after! Let's just say capes weren't cool until Superman started rocking one. That bold blue and red combo is recognizable anywhere around the world, and that massive S on his chest symbolizes all the hope this hero brings. 

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8. The Flash

Our favorite speedster, The Flash definitely knows how to look good in red. With that bold color mixed with yellow lightning highlights throughout (including that cool bolt on his chest), it's certainly a flashy superhero suit that lives up to his personality. It's as lively as he is!

the walking dead comic bookJoel Muniz on Unsplash

9. Daredevil

Daredevil may be blind, but he sure knows how to dress well. With that sleek, dark red suit complete with a horned hooded mask, Matt Murdock certainly leaves an impression. It's got some Batman vibes going on - we'd be scared to meet him in the middle of the night. 

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10. Captain America

As the superhero representing the United States, it only makes sense that Captain America has got a good-looking suit to match. Featuring all the colors of the American flag, his red, white, and blue look is simply iconic. And with stars and stripes to match, his suit looks whole only when he's carrying that awesome shield.

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11. Wonder Woman

With her golden lasso of truth, Wonder Woman's superhero fit is simply flawless. Though she's had many different costume changes throughout her comic book run, the red, blue, and gold combo is always a must. They're her signature colors and they perfectly embody the values of strength and justice that she carries. 

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12. Scarlet Witch

With scarlet already in her name, the Marvel artists who designed the Scarlet Witch's costume definitely deserve a raise. With her unique crown and red cape and suit combo, this hero looks as powerful as she does menacing. There's no question that she's one unbelievably strong magic wielder. 

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13. Doctor Strange

Another beloved wizard in the Marvel universe, Doctor Strange also reps a red cape just like Superman. Many comic lovers rave about his outfit, claiming it gives him the perfect mystical vibe that matches his powers and abilities. And of course, we can't leave out his awesome hairdo that is half of the look!

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14. Thor

We know it's hard to separate the beauty that is Chris Hemsworth from this character, but take a second to look at the costume on its own. Thor has one of the mightiest armors in the comic book game; with his unique winged helmet and flowing red cape, he's one superhero we trust to swoop in and save the day. 

lego minifig on green grass during daytimeMateusz Wacławek on Unsplash

15. Green Lantern

Who knew green could look so cool? A bold forest green might not be the most attractive color for many people, but on Hal Jordan, he looks unbelievably good. While his suit is quite simple, it allows the lantern badge on his chest and his ring to shine even brighter as the focal points. 

File:Wizard World Anaheim 2011 - Green Lantern and Black Lightning (5674469991).jpgThe Conmunity - Pop Culture Geek from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Wikimedia


16. Captain Marvel

Even though gold, red, and blue are popular superhero outfit colors, it's pretty cool seeing how each character is able to make it their own. Just take Captain Marvel for example - even though she wears the same colors as Wonder Woman, she feels entirely different. We think it's all thanks to that awesome mohawk hat she has!

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17. Nightwing

As one of Batman's old sidekicks, it's pretty awesome seeing Nightwing grow from Robin into this brave and mysterious hero. It's especially cool seeing how he incorporated some of Batman's key features into his own suit. The blue and black combo really work well on him!

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18. Deadpool

Who doesn't love Deadpool? With his hilarious, sarcastic commentary and fourth-wall breaking abilities, he's one unique anti-hero that has won over the hearts of comic readers. It definitely helped that he had such a fantastic outfit - that black and red suit fits him so well!

a man in a deadpool costume with a knife in his handAyo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

19. Phoenix (Jean Grey)

Generally seen as the most powerful mutant in the Marvel universe, it was crucial that they created a look to match. With her bright red hair contrasting against her green and gold suit, it's hard to take your eyes off of Phoenix. We'd argue her powers are just as captivating as her outfit!

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20. Mera 

Any character wearing a crown as gorgeous as Mera's is not to be messed with. As the Queen of Atlantis and a strong magic wielder, we love how underwater elements were incorporated into her suit. Just like Phoenix, her bright red hair is accentuated against her bold green-scaled suit.

File:Mera DC.jpegRyan Quick from Greenbelt, MD, USA on Wikimedia