Best of the Best
For ages, Batman fanboys (and girls) alike have been arguing about how Bruce could beat essentially anyone with enough prep time. Let’s put that argument to rest, as this list discusses 20 ways he can do exactly that.
1. Wolverine
While Wolverine seems like he would be impossible to beat by a human with no powers, Batman always has a trick or two up his sleeve. Fighting Wolverine in any sort of direct combat might prove too dangerous, which is why Batman would resort to his strategic mind and the trusty utility belt. Powerful tranquilizers, smoke gas, as well as acting fast to restrain Wolverine after the paralyzing effects kick in would ensure Batman wins this confrontation.
2. Superman
While the Man of Steel is known to be seemingly indestructible, Batman keeps a supply of the one thing that is sure to stop Superman in his tracks. If the worst happens and Superman turns on the good guys, a simple exposure to Kryptonite will bring swift victory to Batman. As simple as this seems, it is one of very few ways that Batman would be able to beat Superman, but an effective one nonetheless.
3. Hulk
The Hulk is famous for being incredibly strong and virtually unstoppable once he goes berserk. This is exactly the weakness that gives Batman the edge he needs if confronted with this green powerhouse. A simple sleeping gas will put The Hulk to sleep, relaxing him and making him revert back into Bruce Banner.
4. The Flash
While it is true that The Flash would be way too fast for Batman to defeat in combat, there are a few things that Bruce has over Barry. Being very strategic about the usage of his utility belt and tools and gadgets, Batman would be able to place traps that would paralyze The Flash, making him incapable of using his speed as an advantage. After neutralizing his speed, it is only a matter of containing him properly so that he can’t phase out.
5. Captain America
Captain America is a super-soldier that is ready for virtually any challenge thrown his way. Although the Super Soldier Serum gives him peak performance of any human in history, he is still a human. Batman would have the advantage of being more skilled with ranged combat, which the Cap lacks, ultimately bringing him down and neutralizing him.
6. Green Lantern
The Green Lantern Ring is considered to be one of the most powerful relics in the DC Universe, only limited by the imagination and will of the wearer. The Green Lanterns cannot use the ring if they cannot see what they are doing. Batman explains in one of the animated series of the Justice League how the ring wielder can be made to believe they are blind, which would in turn make the ring turn them blind through their own will.
7. Ant-Man
Ant-Man is one of the more unique heroes of the MCU. While the suit itself is actually Ant-Man’s biggest weakness, due to its instability and the physical and mental toll it takes on the wearer, there is another way that Batman can defeat Ant-Man easily. Since the Ant-Man suit is made from unstable molecules and steel, magnetic Batarangs are an easy solution to fighting Ant-Man.
8. Martian Manhunter
Martian Manhunter is one of the most formidable members of the Justice League, as well as an incredibly strong and challenging opponent. From telepathy, telekinesis, phasing, regeneration, and flight, it seems like Batman would have a really hard time. Luckily, a simple use of a Nanite Virus spiked with magnesium would cause the Martian’s skin to combust when it comes into contact with air, making him completely neutralized as a threat.
9. Daredevil
Daredevil is a superhero who uses his superhuman senses to overcome his blindness and fight crime. Although very skilled, reliance on other senses means that he can be overwhelmed with ease. Batman would use a combination of explosive Batarangs, high-pitched and loud noises and sounds to distract, disorient, and scramble Daredevil’s senses, making him easy to defeat.
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10. Wonder Woman
While Wonder Woman stands as an incredibly strong and powerful Amazon champion, she has had her share of weaknesses in the past. The most notable one is being tied down and restrained by a man, which seems a bit too simple of a task for Batman. A more interesting and unique way of defeating Wonder Woman would be to put her in a Neural Virtual Reality that would make her believe she is fighting an equal, trapping her in an endless and infinite battle in her own mind.
11. Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange is considered to be one of the most powerful heroes in the MCU. He has the power to bend reality and alter gravity, as well as cast an incredible plethora of spells. This is all rendered useless once Batman makes him unable to speak through a number of ways such as Batarangs, dense gas, or heavy tranquilizers.
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12. Plastic Man
While Batman describes Plastic Man as a unique adversary with an ability to control every single cell in his body at will, and even goes as far to say that they are lucky he is on their side, The Bat still has a way of stopping him if need be. Getting a jump on Plastic Man before he has a chance to turn into something crazy and freezing him with liquid nitrogen is the most effective way of stopping and neutralizing him. The only question remaining after this is where to store his frozen body to prevent him from escaping.
13. Groot
Groot is shown to us as this incredibly strong and powerful being that would be incredibly difficult to defeat. While that might be the case for many, Batman always thinks outside the box when facing a new opponent. Using his intellect, he would be able to create nano-termites that would destroy Groot’s body, making him incapable of growing and neutralizing him as a threat.
14. Aquaman
Aquaman is another superhero that Batman works very closely with in the Justice League. If the situation arises where Batman and Aquaman would have to battle it out, you can be sure that Batman is ready to bring him down. Modifying one of Scarecrow’s fear toxins to give Aquaman hydrophobia will render his powers useless against Batman.
15. Spider-Man
One of the most famous and beloved superheroes, Spider-Man would definitely pose a challenge for Batman. Although Spidey has amazing reflexes, super strength, and an agility advantage over Batman, there is a simple, albeit silly, way that Batman would defeat Spider-Man. Just like Batman used shark repellent, he can use Ethyl Chloride, A.K.A. bug spray, against Spider-Man and easily defeat him that way.
16. Black Canary
Black Canary is a master of hand-to-hand combat and has an advantage of having a piercing and disorienting scream over Batman. While it would be a challenge to defeat her in combat, there are two ways that she can be brought down. A timed use of tear gas could make her incapable of using her scream, while a recording of her own scream can neutralize the effects of it, bringing her down to just using her physical strength in combat, and leaving Batman at an advantage with his entire utility belt at his convenience.
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17. Black Panther
On top of having a suit that absorbs kinetic energy, Black Panther is also a very skilled and experienced fighter. While a physical encounter would prove to be a challenge to Batman, the very thing that keeps Black Panther from being hit with a blow could be the key to his defeat. The Vibranium suit he wears is extremely conductive, making it very easy for Batman to shock him in place and claim victory.
18. Professor X
While it would seem like Professor X could easily infiltrate Batman’s mind and defeat him before a fight even starts, it is a bit more complicated than that. Although only human, Batman has trained with Tibetan monks to keep mind readers and mind control out of his head. With the only thing Professor X could do against Batman gone, there is nothing stopping Batman from simply restraining or neutralizing Charles Xavier.
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19. Iron Man
Iron Man seems like he is the MCU's perfect counterpart to DC’s Batman. They are both rich, tech-driven guys who like to fight crime and use their wealth for good. With that in mind, the tech is exactly what would bring Iron Man down in this fight, as a simple EMP from Batman could disable the entirety of Iron Man’s suit, making him incapable of even getting out of it, let alone continuing the encounter.
20. Batman
It is highly unlikely that Batman would have to fight himself, but not impossible. With things such as DNA clones and the multiverse, there could be a copy or a version of Batman that might want to attack “himself.” With this, the way Batman could defeat Batman is by exploiting one of two of his weaknesses, those being kidnapping his friends or family, or mentioning his parents and tapping into Batman's suppressed memories, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.