Survival of the Fittest
The Bat-Family is full of trained assassins and genius detectives – but what would happen if they decided to face off in a fight? Taking into account their strengths and weaknesses, here are 20 Bat-Family members ranked from strongest to weakest.
1. Nightwing
Grayson holds the title of the very first Robin and was raised in Haly’s Circus before the questionable passing of his parents. To ensure Grayson got justice and didn’t end up scarred, Batman intercepted, adopted him, and helped him solve their mystery. Now, he’s an Olympic-level acrobat who is the closest to Batman in terms of skills, tactics, and leadership – making him the most powerful character second to the Bat himself.
2. Cassandra Cain
Many people will argue that Cassandra deserves the first spot, as she is not only the daughter of Lady Shiva but is able to predict the movements of her opponents in combat. This makes her essentially undefeatable and the best fighter in the Bat-Family. However, Grayson stands firmly at the top spot because he doesn’t always rely on hand-to-hand combat to take out his opponent.
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3. Red Hood
Jason Todd has a complex past and essentially haunts Batman due to his untimely passing and resurrection via the Lazarus Pit. Either way, Jason is an example of everything that can go wrong when training a Robin. He is gritty, dark, and brutal—a ruthless force in both melee and ranged combat.
4. Cat Woman
Selina Kyle may be dismissed as nothing more than a master thief, but not only is she a master of stealth, she’s also a highly skilled fighter in her own right. She’s one of the few people who can outmaneuver the Bat himself thanks to her cunning and unmatched agility.
5. Damian Wayne
One of the more recent Robins, Damian is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul, making him quite the force to face. He was raised with the League of Assassins, turning him into an expert swordsman and trained fighter. His lineage paired with his ruthlessness makes him one of the most dangerous Robins without a doubt.
6. Huntress
A superhero in her own right, Huntress has always walked a fine line between vengeance and justice. She’s an exceptionally skilled crossbow markswoman and has the tactical intelligence needed to pull off major operations.
7. Barbara Gordon
As Batgirl and Oracle, Barbara is one of the most talented minds on Batman’s team. Her expert hacker skills paired with her commitment to the cause make her a determined and indispensable woman. Rather than take you head-on, Barbara will easily make the world around her enemies collapse.
8. Tim Drake
Tim Drake eventually grows into Red Robin, an expert detective and skilled strategist. He’s undoubtedly the most logical of all the Robins. As a genius detective himself, he’s always one step ahead of his opponents, making him quite the threat.
9. Gotham
Gotham and Gotham Girl were recent introductions that made appearances in Tom King’s run on Batman. Gotham purchased his powers in order to do good in his city, but the city broke him down, turning him toward darkness. Even the entire Justice League struggled to stop him, but his powers apparently fizzled out as he used them up in hours.
10. Stephanie Brown
Stephanie Brown became Batgirl and Spoiler in order to fight against crime and proved herself a resourceful and strategic thinker. She’s fiercely independent, and her ability to adapt, paired with the fact that she’s often underestimated, makes her quite powerful.
11. Azrael
As a programmed assassin, Azrael is not only at peak physical condition, but he’s also an expert swordsman. His enhanced strength and tendency toward the brutal side of justice make him very dangerous.
12. Signal
Duke Thomas was a survivor of Joker’s Endgame and quickly made his way into Batman’s good graces. His unique skillset and his metahuman powers make him quite capable and versatile compared to some of the other Bat-Family members.
13. James Gordon
While Gordon has been known to dabble in vigilantism here and there, what makes him such a powerful ally is his strong leadership and unwavering moral compass. In a precinct full of corrupt cops, he can always be relied upon to hold Gotham together, no mask needed.
14. Alfred J. Pennyworth
From time to time, Alfred has donned the Bat-suit and even worked with foreign military forces. He’s unwaveringly loyal, and his versatile skills help him in keeping Batman alive and keeping the manor safe.
15. Gotham Girl
With the same powerset as her brother Gotham, Gotham Girl is as powerful as any top-tier metahuman. However, her broken mind and depression from losing her brother make her less eager to stand out.
16. Batwing
With a high-tech suit and a mind built for engineering, Luke Fox is essentially Batman in an Iron Man-style suit. His blend of skills and tech make him quite the match for some on this list.
17. Batwoman
By this point, Kate Kane has quite a varied past. She’s got military training and a mind for detective work, but she often acts independently and is willing to go to lengths other Bat-Family members might question. on Wikimedia
18. Ace the Bat-Hound
Some people might find the idea of putting a dog above people pretty surprising, but Ace can really go toe-to-toe thanks to his heightened senses and combat training.
19. Lucius Fox
Every superhero needs a trusty engineer! Lucius Fox both handles the day-to-day operations of Wayne Enterprises and also builds all of Batman’s tech. You’ve got to believe a guy like this keeps a few toys for his own security too.
20. Bat-Cow
Bat-Cow was rescued by Damian Wayne and is probably more powerful than a regular cow. That’s about it, really.