The Best Supervillains of the DC Universe
You likely know DC's best superheroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, but what about the villains? After all, these characters are only heroes because they protect the Earth from these formidable enemies! Let's take a look at 20 of the Justice League's strongest villains; these characters have proven to be a massive thorn in their sides, creating devastating challenges that these superheroes can't always win.
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1. Darkseid
Created by Jack Kirby for Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134, Darkseid will forever be remembered as one of Justice League's most iconic villains ever. As the cruel ruler of Apokolips, his ultimate goal is to capture and control the entire multiverse, making everyone serve under him. Not only is he physically strong, Darkseid is also known to possess teleportation, telekinesis, and telepathic powers.
2. Brainiac
Often regarded as one of Superman's greatest enemies, you just know Brainiac has to be unbelievably strong. A supervillain with a perfectly fitting name, Brainiac is an intelligent cyborg mastermind with one goal: to travel across the universe shrinking planets for his own possession and knowledge. Of course, when he reaches Earth he's got an entire squad of superheroes to face off against — that still doesn't stop him from trying though.
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3. Lex Luthor
While Lex Luthor is commonly seen as Superman's greatest arch nemesis, he's also proven to be a thorn in the Justice League's side. Though he may just be a mortal human man, he's not one to be underestimated. Often considered one of the most intelligent (if not the most) beings in the DC universe, Lex Luthor is able to create the most terrifying plans that scare even the likes of Batman.
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4. Arthur Light
Making his first appearance in Justice League of America #12, Arthur Light has since made it onto numerous lists of DC's best and strongest villains. After all, as someone who can control light in a variety of ways, he sure makes it difficult for the Justice League and other heroes in the DC universe. From being able to fight off Superboy's heat vision to Green Lantern's light abilities, he's not someone you want to mess with.
5. Felix Faust
What's more terrifying than a master sorcerer with abilities like teleportation, energy manipulation, telepathy, and so much more? Felix Faust is a difficult supervillain that first got his powers by making deals with demons known as the "Demons Three." As he's always trying to fight off others to grow his own strength, it's not hard to see how he'd often butt heads with the Justice League.
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6. Vandal Savage
Ever since Vandal Savage was introduced in Green Lantern #10 thanks to creators Alfred Bester and Martin Nodell, he's been a staple Justice League villain in the comic books. This immortal warrior isn't just talented in combat, he's got a strategic brain that makes him even more ruthless. His superhuman healing abilities also make him a foe that's extremely difficult to win against.
7. Amazo
As an android created by Professor Ivo, a brilliant yet evil scientist, Amazo's key characteristic is that he's able to copy the powers of others he fights. Given that he's constantly at war with the Justice League, you can imagine just how strong of an opponent he is. Because he initially fought founding Justice League members, he has the powers of the Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern. It's hard enough beating one supervillain, how do you beat off one with the abilities of four superheroes?
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8. Major Disaster
While you might find his supervillain name a bit funny, Major Disaster, aka Paul Booker, is anything but silly when you're fighting against him. Though he first started out as a Green Lantern enemy, he's since undergone many developments. From becoming a major Justice League villain to unwilling becoming an anti-hero, we're guessing we haven't seen the last of this superhuman with the ability to control natural disasters.
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9. Maxwell Lord
While Maxwell Lord may seem like a regular human being at first (just your typical snarky businessman), he's actually one of the Justice League's greatest adversaries, particularly for Wonder Woman. Making his first appearance in Justice League #1, this supervillain is said to be a metahuman who can control the minds of others. In other words, he's not someone you should be underestimating.
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10. Despero
This huge, pink-skinned alien from Kalanor is definitely the last thing you'd ever want to face off against. While his obvious physical strength is something to be feared, it's his brilliant brain that's his ultimate power. With his third eye granting him magical abilities like telekinesis and mind control, he's able to stand toe-to-toe with numerous Justice League heroes, even those as powerful as Martian Manhunter and Superman.
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11. Starro
Starro is, you guessed it, a giant star-shaped supervillain who has proven to be a fearsome adversary for the Justice League. As the first villain to ever go up against the original Justice League, Starro is also incredibly important for the history of the DC universe. Though you might initially laugh at its starfish appearance, you shouldn't doubt his incredible strength, regeneration abilities, and above all else, its terrifying power of mind control.
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12. Nekron
Seen as the embodiment of Death or the Grim Reaper, Nekron first appeared in the Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2 way back in 1981. According to Geoff Johns, an important and well-known DC comics writer, Nekron's true power is unknown. As a necromancer able to control so much dark energy, grow in size, and is able to withstand incredible force, he is truly one of the Justice League's worst nightmares.
13. The Crime Syndicate
What's worse than facing off against one supervillain? How about an entire squad of them? Wait, let's make it even worse by creating a team of supervillains that are the exact evil counterparts of each superhero! Just think of the Crime Syndicate of America as an evil Justice League. Though they first appeared in Crime Syndicate of America: Justice League of America #29, they have since shown up in numerous other series like "The New 52" and "DC Rebirth."
14. The Legion of Doom
Led by Lex Luthor, one of Superman's greatest foes of all time, the Legion of Doom is another supervillain group trying to take out the Justice League. Though it was initially created for the television series Challenge of the Superfriends, people liked the concept so much, it was incorporated into numerous comic books. With big names like Black Manta, Scarecrow, Brainiac, and Cheetah all a part of this evil squad, you just know they were no easy task for the Justice League.
15. Trigon
As one of the most powerful beings in all of the DC universe, you wouldn't expect someone as evil as Trigon to be the father of a superhero. But unfortunately for Raven, it's her sad reality. Though initially a Teen Titan villain, he's so strong, even the Justice League had to get involved. From flying to manipulating matter and warping reality, this beast proved to be one too difficult for even Earth's strongest heroes.
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16. Doomsday
As someone who was able to properly defeat Superman, there's no DC fan who doesn't know and fear the name Doomsday. After all, doesn't defeating the strongest hero known to man automatically make you an unbeatable villain? Also born on Krypton, this monster, who has only ever known hatred, is a destroyer of worlds with the ability to speedily regenerate and holds superhuman strength even greater than Superman.
17. Perpetua
As a member of the Super Celestials, you just know Perpertua is a being with immense power. Seen as responsible for creating the entire DC Multiverse, she has strength we can only begin to imagine. If given full power, it's believed she could completely destroy the Multiverse at her very whim. So, which Justice League member do you think can go up against that?
18. The Darkest Knight
You might know Batman as the Dark Knight, but have you ever heard of it taken one step further? The Darkest Knight is Bruce Wayne's biggest nightmare — an evil version of himself. An incredible supervillain in the DC Universe, this antagonist is ruthless and unbelievably smart. He's so strong, he's even able to fight toe-to-toe with one of the Justice League's strongest villains, Perpetua!
19. Anti-Monitor
Son of Perpetua, one of the strongest beings in the entire DC Universe, Anti-Monitor is still a challenging enemy even if he's weaker than his mother. Though his name might not sound so menacing, his abilities certainly are. Having obliterated numerous multiverses in his lifetime, it's said that Anti-Monitor is responsible for the most deaths out of all the DC supervillains — he's even taken out the Flash and Supergirl!
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20. Eclipso
As a villain believed to be the "wrath of God," is there anyone more terrifying than that? Created by Bob Haney and Lee Elias, Eclipso made his first appearance in House of Secrets #61. Looking to grow his power, he constantly goes after Superman and Captain Marvel with his godlike abilities of controlling natural elements like floods and storms and shooting powerful rays from his eyes. If you need any more convincing that this is a strong foe, all you need to hear is that he's beaten Superman before.