
20 Insane Harry Potter Theories That Actually Make Sense

20 Insane Harry Potter Theories That Actually Make Sense

These Theories Are So Crazy, They Could Be True

Part of the fun of being a fan is using our imaginations to riff off of the material we have at hand and create our own theories. Some of the ones that formed around Harry Potter sound wild on the surface, but when you think about them, actually make a lot of sense. From the truth about Filch's cat to the real reason the Dursleys despised Harry, here are 20 of our favorite Harry Potter fan theories. 

a harry potter logo on a piece of paperTuyen Vo on Unsplash

1. Mrs. Norris Is Mrs. Filch

Fans find it strange that a man like Filch who's rough and unfeeling has such tenderness towards his cat. This has bred the theory that Mrs. Norris is actually Filch's wife in animagus form.

focus photography of long-fur brown catMona Magnussen on Unsplash

2. Herpo The Foul Is Salazar Slytherin

Herpo The Foul was the first known wizard to create a Horcrux. He also spoke Parselmouth, leading fans to believe he used Horcruxes to stay immortal, and that he and Salazar Slytherin are actually the same person.

gold and green lion logoRhii Photography on Unsplash

3. Draco Malfoy Is A Werewolf

Remember how sickly and haggard Draco looked in sixth year? Fans speculate that he might've been bitten by the Death Eater and werewolf Fenrir Greyback (the same one who bit Lupin) as Voldemort's punishment to the Malfoy family. 

Imstudio1989Imstudio1989 on Pixabay


4. Ron Is A Seer

Despite hating Trelawney's divination class, fans speculate that Ron possesses psychic abilities, he just doesn't know it yet. This theory stems from the fact that Ron predicts a curious number of events like when he makes a remark suggesting that Tom Riddle killed Moaning Myrtle which ended up being true. His ability for predicting the future also explains his talent for chess.


File:Ron Weasley.jpgMademoiselle Ortie / Elodie Tihange on Wikimedia

5. Neville Has The Wrong Wand

Another fan theory suggests that Neville isn't a bad wizard at all, he just has the wrong wand. "The wand chooses the wizard," but Neville uses his father's wand. This makes him a clumsy wizard until that wand finally breaks and Neville finally gets to find the right one for himself, instantly improving his skills. 

gold flute on white book pageKenny Gaines on Unsplash

6. Dumbledore Uses The Chocolate Frogs As A Network

Dumbledore's knowledge of the goings on around Hogwarts goes far beyond just being observant. That's led fans to believe he's using the chocolate frogs, moving from card to card to obtain information.

Yashasvi NagdaYashasvi Nagda on Pexels

7. Neville Is The True Chosen One

One theory suggests that Neville was the true chosen one, and Voldemort attacked the wrong child. Trelawney's prophecy states that the one born on the seventh month will destroy the dark lord but Neville was also born in July and his parents also fought Voldemort three times, so it could just as easily have been him. 

File:Matthew Lewis crop.jpgRob Young on Wikimedia

8. Crookshanks Was Lily Potter's Cat

The Potters owned a cat who disappeared the night Voldemort killed Harry's parents, leading some to believe Crookshanks was the Potter's cat before Hermione adopted him over ten years later. This theory explains the cat's hatred of Scabbers as he would've known the true identity of the rat.

lindarczyklindarczyk on Pixabay

9. The Horcrux Made The Dursley's Hate Harry

It seems strange to some just how much the Dursleys despise their nephew who is just a child after all. Some fans explain the family's horrible attitude by the fact that Harry is a Horcrux, and Horcruxes are known to negatively affect people's moods. 

File:Fiona Shaw at BAM -01.jpgMarie-Lan Nguyen on Wikimedia


10. Ginny Gave Harry A Love Potion

Ginny develops a crush on Harry after first seeing him at the train station, but Harry initially sees her only as Ron's kid sister. However, his feelings towards her change suspiciously abruptly in his sixth year leading fans to speculate Ginny used a love potion to make him fall in love with her. 

File:Bonnie Wright by Gage Skidmore.jpgGage Skidmore on Wikimedia

11. George Weasley Becomes Willy Wonka

One of the weirdest and funniest Harry Potter fan theories that could make sense is that George Weasley and Willy Wonka are the same person. The theory goes that, after losing his brother, George turns back time and creates a new life for himself as Willy Wonka, using his magical talent and passion for candies and jokes to open the fantastic chocolate factory. 

File:James and Oliver Phelps - Lucca Comics and Games 2011 - 2.jpgNiccolò Caranti on Wikimedia

12. Draco Was In Love With Hermione

Throughout the Harry Potter series, Draco seems to always go out of his way to bully Hermione, despite the fact that she's not the only Mudblood at Hogwarts. This has led fans to believe that he was actually into her, but as he was raised to believe Mudbloods were beneath him, he felt insecure and ashamed by his own feelings, leading him to attack her.

File:TomFeltonNov2010.jpgJoella Marano from Chicago, IL on Wikimedia

13. Harry Is Descended From Godric Gryffindor

As Voldemort is the heir of Salazar Slytherin, it seems entirely plausible that Harry is the heir of Godric Gryffindor. This would make him the true owner of Gryffindor's sword and further related to Voldemort. 

File:Hogwarts School, The Makingbof Harry Potter, Warner Bros Studios, London (Ank Kumar) 07.jpgAnk Kumar on Wikimedia

14. Neville's Childhood Trauma Was Obliviated

Fans speculate that baby Neville was present as his parents were getting tortured at the hands of Bellatrix. Wizard doctors would've tried to erase the experience from poor Neville's brain using a memory charm which would explain why Neville's memory is so poor.

File:Matthew Lewis by Gage Skidmore.jpgGage Skidmore on Wikimedia

15. Hagrid Is A Death Eater

One of the more far-fetched fan theories is that Hagrid is a double agent, working behind the scenes as a Death Eater. Fans find some of Hagrid's actions suspicious such as the fact that Hagrid knew exactly where to find baby Harry, Hagrid's enduring belief that Voldemort was alive, and the few times he "inadvertently" helped Voldemort such as when he gave away information about Fluffy while drunk.

File:Robbiecoltrane.jpgclogdancer on Wikimedia


16. The Narnia Children Are The Hogwarts Founders

Happy Potter fans love to interweave fantasy realms. Perhaps the best example of this is the theory that the four Hogwarts founders and the Narnia kids, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, are the same people. Peter is brave like Gryffindor, Susan is intelligent like Ravenclaw, Edmund is ambitious like Slytherin, and Lucy is loyal like Hufflepuff, so you can see how some would draw parallels.

a blue book with a picture of a man walking through the woodsTim Alex on Unsplash

17. There Are Other Animal Languages

If Parseltongue is the language of snakes, it's reasonable to assume other animals have their own language too. Fans speculate many wizards in magical society would be able to communicate with different animals and that Parseltongue was only highlighted in the book because Harry could speak it. 

brown and black snakeJan Kopřiva on Unsplash

18. Ron Weasley Is Dumbledore

Perhaps the most hated fan theory on the internet is that Ron Weasley is a young Albus Dumbledore who traveled through time. It's a pretty far-fetched theory, but Ron's physical resemblance to a young Dumbledore, his love of candy and chess, and the fact that Dumbledore seemed to understand Ron very well despite only ever exchanging a few words could make for a compelling argument.

black and silver dumbbell beside brown wooden picture frameToa Heftiba on Unsplash

19. Harry Imagines The Whole Thing

The saddest theory of all is that none of this really happened and it was just a lonely, sad, abused young Harry dreaming up the whole thing in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursely's. The whole magical story is told from Harry's point of view and it's not altogether unreasonable to think that it was just the fantasy of a neglected child.

File:Harry Potter‘s room under the staircase, Warner Bros Harry Potter Studios 02.jpgAnk Kumar on Wikimedia

20. J.K. Rowling Is Rita Skeeter

Fans got meta with this one thinking J.K. Rowling inserted herself into the story as the annoying reporter, Rita Skeeter. This theory suggests that the whole story was written by someone with first-hand information about Harry's life. 

File:J.K. Rowling 1999-11-01.jpgKingkongphoto & www.celebrity-photos.com from Laurel Maryland, USA on Wikimedia