
The 10 Worst Harry Potter Characters & The 10 Best We All Love

The 10 Worst Harry Potter Characters & The 10 Best We All Love

Harry Potter Characters We Love & Hate

If you've been around for the past 20 years, you've experienced the magic and wonder that is Harry Potter. From the books to the movies, this franchise took the world by storm. Many of us have grown up alongside Harry and his friends, making it a series we'll never forget. It's time to look at some of the characters that made the franchise so memorable, whether it's for good or bad reasons. Here are 10 of the worst characters and 10 of the best.

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1. Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle

Even though he doesn't appear in the books or the screen that much at all compared to the other characters, whispering He Who Shall Not Be Named is enough to send shivers down our spine. That's how utterly cruel and despicable this character is. We don't stand for anything he believes in. 

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2. Peter Pettigrew

If there's one thing we know to be true, Peter Pettigrew should've stayed a rat - he was much more likeable that way! While pretending to be Scabbers, he came across as a mindless critter, but as human Peter Pettigrew, he gave everyone the creeps. 

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3. Bellatrix Lestrange

If pure evil was dressed up in all black, it'd definitely be Bellatrix Lestrange. In our eyes, there's no redeeming quality to this character. Her one goal in life is to serve the Dark Lord and cause pain to everyone else in her way. Whether you're watching her on screen or reading her off the page, she's one character we absolutely don't support.

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4. Dolores Umbridge

Honestly, we know that most of you would've put her at the top of the list, even before Lord Voldemort! Dolores Umbridge is a villain done right. We don't know how J.K. Rowling did it, but she managed to create one of the most despisable, annoying, and genuinely cruel characters ever. Nothing about Dolores Umbridge sits right with us. And honestly, it's a testament to Imelda Staunton's acting - she absolutely nailed the role. 

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5. Gilderoy Lockhart

Arguably the most dimwitted character in the Harry Potter universe, Gilderoy Lockhart is seriously laugh-worthy. This man is incredibly clumsy and knows absolutely nothing, despite coming across as a know-it-all. His personality is cringeworthy and we'd imagine dealing with him in real life would be nothing short of a pain. 

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6. Marge Dursley

Despite having a very short appearance in the third installment, Marge Dursley didn't need much time to make a terrible impression of herself. Not only is she incredibly rude and cold-hearted, her nasty quips at Harry were enough to make all of us hate her. 

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7. Cornelius Fudge

At the end of the day, Cornelius Fudge was simply a coward. Refusing to believe that Lord Voldemort had returned, he simply wanted to hide behind everyone else. Instead of thinking about what to do next, he was worried about his job security! He's definitely not a leader in power we would want during such dark times. 

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8. Lucius Malfoy

When Lucius Malfoy was first introduced in the series, he immediately came across as a villain for Harry. His high and mighty attitude was absolutely terrifying, and after seeing what he put his son Draco Malfoy through, readers and movie-goers alike hated him. And he did all of that for what reason? He became such a coward when Voldemort came back into power anyway!

1024Px-The Making Of Harry Potter 29-05-2012 (Lucius Malfoy)Karen Roe from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK on Wikimedia Commons

9. Rita Skeeter

Always looking for the most clickbaity content, even if it's not true, Rita Skeeter certainly rubbed audiences the wrong way. There's just something so slimy about the way she does reporting that makes everyone want to crawl into a closet, far away from her. It always just feels like she's up to no good. 

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10. Vernon Dursley

If you're going to adopt your nephew, can't you do it with a little more care and love? The way Vernon Dursley looked after Harry was straight up abusive. Locking him in the cabinet under the stairs? Putting bars on his door? Come on now, stop living in the 17th century, Vernon! Even Dudley came around eventually.

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1. Harry Potter

Of course, where would we be without our titular character, Harry Potter himself? As far as protagonists go, he's one of the best out there. We've been rooting for him since the beginning, growing alongside him throughout his years at Hogwarts. And while he's certainly a brave and skilled wizard, we love him most for being an amazing friend.

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2. Ron Weasley

The quirky, funny sidekick, Ron Weasley is the type of best friend everyone wants. Despite having a clutzy side, he's the most reliable friend that will always be there for you no matter what. Joining in on all of Harry's adventures, we can't imagine this series without our red-headed best bud. 

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3. Hermione Granger

As the smartest wizard her age, Hermione Granger is a force to be reckoned with. Not only do we appreciate her brilliant skills, deep down, she's a soft-hearted, kind friend who is willing to stand by your side no matter what. Completing the trio, it's true what they say in the book - Harry and Ron would never have gotten as far as they did without Hermione.

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4. Severus Snape

Without the last book in the series, we definitely would have put Snape in the list of worst characters. He's grumpy, inconsiderate, and always seems to be out for Harry. But thanks to the mindblowing revelation in the last book, Snape is easily one of the best characters in the entire Harry Potter universe. His unwavering dedication in protecting Harry while putting himself in harm's way makes him a character worth being your favorite. 

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5. Luna Lovegood

While Luna Lovegood might initially come across as a little ditzy, she's actually one of the most loyal, brave, and kindhearted Ravenclaws out there. She's a true friend to Harry, even during his lowest of moments, making her someone you know will always have your back. People have absolutely fallen in love with this character, mainly thanks to her positive attitude towards life. 

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6. Neville Longbottom

Once the laughing stock of the school, Neville Longbottom eventually proved himself worthy, which is something fans have been waiting for since the first book. While he's known for being exceptionally clumsy and always getting the short end of the stick, we always knew Neville would get his moment. And boy were we proud when he did. 

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7. Rubeus Hagrid

We'd like to think of Hagrid as Harry's guardian at Hogwarts. Since bringing him to the school from the very beginning, Hagrid's been a loyal friend and confidant for the trio. He's always looking out for them and always does what he think is best. It's a bonus that he's such a big lover of magical creatures and loves treating them right. 

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8. Dobby

There's no one in the world that's a Harry Potter fan and doesn't love Dobby. After all, this adorable and sweet house elf comes to rescue Harry on multiple occasions! He's someone that deserves the best in life and we're so happy Harry was able to free him. His death is one of the most tragic in the series, and it's truly a testament to what a great character and friend he was. 

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9. Sirius Black

Sirius Black gave us a little hopeful glimpse as to what Harry's life could have been if he lived with him. While that was almost immediately shut down, we still love this character. Despite initially believing he was a deadly criminal, Sirius turned out to be a caring and protective godfather. We just wish he had more time!

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10. The Weasley Family

Listen, if we listed the entire Weasley family here, we'd have no room for all the others. That's why we're adding Fred, George, Molly, Arthur, and Ginny all into one. The entire family (maybe minus Percy) is so endearing and such a good family to Harry throughout the entire series. It's so evident that they all love and look after one another. In our eyes, they're the perfect role model of how a family should be. 

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