
The 10 Most Attractive Marvel Characters Everyone Has A Crush On & The 10 Least Attractive

The 10 Most Attractive Marvel Characters Everyone Has A Crush On & The 10 Least Attractive

A Person's Attractiveness Doesn't Stop At Whether They're Fictional

There's no need to feel embarrassed about crushing over a comic book character (or a few). Every Marvel fan ever is guilty of that. And how could we not when the pictures on the page look like that? On the flipside, those Marvel artists did a very good job of depicting the most repulsive deformities. Here are the 10 hottest and 10 least attractive Marvel characters. 

File:Marvel's Black Cat Cosplay (cropped).jpgMakar Vinogradov on Wikimedia

1. Black Widow

We all know of Black Widow's allure thanks to the excellent casting choice of Scarlett Johanssen who was named Esquire Magazine's "sexiest woman alive" twice. However, the original comic book character is also depicted as being extremely hot in addition to being a fierce fighter. 

File:Scarlett Johansson by Gage Skidmore 2 (cropped, 2).jpgGage Skidmore on Wikimedia

2. Scarlet Witch

You may remember Scarlet Witch as the swoon-worthy redhead in Doctor Strange. She's a complex character with the tendency to be a bit evil, but she's drop-dead gorgeous so she gets away with it. 

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3. Thor

It helps that Thor is played by one of the world's most handsome Aussies, Chris Hemsworth at the peak of his fitness. Thor as a character is a muscular and heroic demi-God so we'd say that's worthy of our hardcore crushing.

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4. Superman

It makes sense that Superman comes from a different planet because his handsomeness is out of this world. His strength, nobleness, and heroism make him doubly attractive. 

File:Henry Cavill (48417902946).jpgGage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America on Wikimedia

5. Black Panther

As if Black Panther's passion, intensity, and boldness wasn't already enough to make him swoon-worthy, he's also a gorgeous man. He was brought to life by the radiant Chadwick Boseman in the Marvel cinematic universe. 

File:Chadwick Boseman by Gage Skidmore July 2017 (cropped).jpgGage Skidmore on Wikimedia

6. Black Cat

Like a cat, Black Cat is described as being agile and playful. She wears a black bodysuit and has fabulous long white locks of hair. She's a bit of a femme fatale with toxic tendencies, but it's no wonder Spider-Man fell for her anyway.

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7. Storm

The most fearsom and powerful X-Man is also a total babe. In the comics, she was the love interest of Black Panther and we can understand why. She was iconically depicted by the stunning Halle Barry in the Marvel cinematic universe. 

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8. Captain America

Putting aside the corny patriotism that defines his character, Captain America is a total hottie. His character traits of honesty, dependability, and chivalry make him fantasy boyfriend material.

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9. Peter Quill

When Chris Pratt took on the role of Star-Lord, he became everyone's crush seemingly overnight. Not only is he handsome but his sarcastic sense of humor and lovable vulnerability make him that much cuter.  

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10. Luke Cage

In addition to being hunky, Luke Cage is a bit mysterious, and we like that. His stoicism and intelligence add to his allure even more. 

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Now that we've reminisced on all the hot Marvel characters, let's talk about the not so cute ones.

1. Spider-Man

Sorry Spider-Man fans. We know some cute actors have played him, but let's not forget Spider-Man is supposed to be a nerdy, pale, skinny teenager. 

Cosplay_ImagesCosplay_Images on Pixabay

2. The Hulk

A huge, green, angry giant? No, thanks. Bruce Banner may be cute, but his monster form certainly isn't. 

RibastankRibastank on Pixabay

3. Dr. Doom

Dr. Doom always wears a mask to cover his horribly disfigured face, so we can only imagine how horrendous-looking he is. He's also egostical, unstable, and power-hungry: not attractive qualities. 

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4. Mojo

Mojo hails from another dimension, but from our dimension's beauty standards, he's not cute. He's part of a race who don't have spines but use exoskeletons and mechanical devices to stay upright, resulting in a pretty freaky appearance. 

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5. Mole Man

Mole Man is so called for his dwarfish appearance and poor eyesight. He was socially shunned for his appearance which made him bitter and vengeful.

BeekiBeeki on Pixabay


6. Beak

Beak is a notoriously weak Marvel character, known for his uselessness as well as his ugliness. He's a man with a beak on his face who can't even really fly. 

black and yellow bird on brown tree branchRamlee Ibrahim on Unsplash

7. Red Skull

Red Skull is the former head of HYDRA with Nazi roots, making him ugly on the inside as well as the outside. His face is red and deformed thanks to some unfortunate side effects from a serum that was supposed to enhance his abilities.

a man in a top hat with a skull on his faceVince Veras on Unsplash


MODOK stands for Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, so even if he was handsome, he'd be pretty undesireable. Luckily, his face matches his name and purpose. 

File:SDCC 2014 - MODOK (14587165940).jpgEwen Roberts from San Diego, CA, United States on Wikimedia

9. Abominatrix

Abominatrix is the result of a medical test for a cure for PMS gone wrong. Instead, she has perpetual PMS. She's angry, blond, huge, and green like an oger.

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10. Alex Merkel

Alex Merkel has a sad and complicated story. She was born beautiful but mutilated herself so her appearance would match the cruel and horrible person she was inside. 

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