
The 10 Cringiest Superhero Names & The 10 Coolest

The 10 Cringiest Superhero Names & The 10 Coolest

Superhero Names That Need Some Work

Thanks to their cool abilities, awesome suits, and larger-than-life personalities, the only thing that comes to mind when you think of superheroes is, well, they're "super." But what happens if we peel back all those cool exterior layers? If we're just left with a normal, everyday man or woman, would you still think their name would be fitting? Let's take a look at 20 of the most popular superheroes and see if their name feels cringey or not. 

File:San Diego Comic-Con 2024 Masquerade - Cosplay of Batman 1.jpgWilliam Tung on Wikimedia

1. Batman

Look, we all know Batman is the hero we don't deserve, but let's take a moment to review his name objectively. Once you remove all the awesome adventures and cool origin stories tied to it, you're left with a pretty strange-sounding name. If Bruce Wayne wasn't a rich billionaire with a raspy voice saying his own name, we're pretty sure everyone would have a different opinion of Batman.

black and white star wars lego mini figureMichael Marais on Unsplash

2. Green Lantern

Though we've been introduced to many variations of Green Lantern, it doesn't make the name sound any cooler. We love Hal Jordan, but for people who know nothing about comic books or this powerful organization, the name makes no sense. Why name yourself after a lantern? Making it green doesn't help either!

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3. Superman

Superman might be the most iconic superhero of all time, but that doesn't mean his name is safe from this list. While this man sure is able to accomplish "super" things, it doesn't mean you should be named after it. It just sounds like he's trying to compliment himself. 

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4. Captain America

He may be the pride of the country, but let's be honest, Captain America's name is a little bit cringey. Before Chris Evans took on the role and made him popular, this superhero wasn't exactly winning the polls for "coolest comic book character." We'd say the name played a large part in this.

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5. Ant-Man

You shouldn't be too surprised seeing this name pop up on this list. Named after these tiny little insects, it doesn't make you picture someone incredibly heroic or amazing right off the bat. If anything, it makes you think small and weak (regardless of how mighty ants can be!). 

a man in a red and black suit standing next to a giant robotMassimo Virgilio on Unsplash

6. Spider-Man

As everyone's favorite neighborhood hero, you might be a bit disappointed seeing Spider-Man here. That being said, think about his name for a second. If you take away his cool powers, fun personality, and amazing adventures, the name leaves a little more to be desired. And if you have arachnophobia, it's not exactly a name you'll be happy to hear. 

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7. Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Now this mouthful of a superhero name perfectly captures all that teenage angst. Just think of it this way, how would you feel introducing yourself as Negasonic Teenage Warhead? If that just sent an uncomfortable shiver down your spine, it's easy to see why it made it on this list. 

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8. Mantis

What's up with superheroes and having bug-related names? An important character from the Guardians of the Galaxy squad, Mantis doesn't exactly have the coolest name in the book. She's simply named after the buggy-eyed, green insect - she doesn't even get an adjective to go with it! 

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9. Aquaman

While Aquaman is unfortunately already at the butt of most jokes, this underappreciated superhero doesn't exactly have a name that helps. His name is a little too literal; they really just combined the word aqua, which means water, with man and called it a day.

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10. Starlord

Despite how charming and hilarious this superhero character is, when you just look at his name alone, we'd be surprised if you didn't think it was cringey. How would you feel going around calling yourself Starlord? Sounds a bit like a title an elementary schooler came up with, doesn't it? 

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1. The Flash

Perfectly capturing this superhero's abilities, the Flash is a pretty awesome title to have. We mean, as a man capable of running at super speeds, the name doesn't just fit the gig, it matches his iconic lightning logo too! Talk about packaging your superhero persona the right way.

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2. The Scarlet Witch

As one of the most powerful Marvel superheroes around, it only makes sense that the Scarlet Witch has a name fitting of her abilities. It makes her sound mysterious yet powerful at the same time, which to be fair, sums up this character pretty accurately. 

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3. Daredevil

Combined with his iconic red suit and horned mask, Daredevil's name definitely completes his superhero look. Not only does the name perfectly describe Matt Murdock's tendency to be reckless while doing dangerous things, it brings a certain aura that only adds to his superhero personality.

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4. Black Widow

Instead of straight up calling herself a spider (like another webbed superhero we know and love), Black Widow just sounds so much more alluring. It's a very fitting name for this beautiful and skilled spy, adding a deadly feel to her persona that makes her instantly sound like a force to be reckoned with.

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5. Storm

Sometimes, you only need one word to make an impact! That's definitely the case when it comes to Storm, one of the most popular mutants from the X-Men (and possibly one of the most powerful superheroes around?). With her amazing ability to control the weather, her name is short, powerful, and to the point - just like her.  

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6. Ghost Rider

Need we say more? This supernatural superhero doesn't just have an awesome title, the man behind the wheel's got a name just as cool. Johnny Blaze, a motorcycle stuntman, takes on his Ghost Rider persona whenever danger or evil is around. Let us just say the whole concept sound pretty awesome. 

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7. Black Panther

A name that feels fitting for this agile and quick superhero, the Black Panther doesn't just feel mysterious, it feels strong and mighty too. As the guardian of the most powerful nation in the world, Wakanda, it only makes sense that this protector's title matches the country's strength.

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8. Moon Knight

We can't quite put our name on it, but there's just something so cool and eerie about the name Moon Knight. It immediately makes us think of a skilled warrior that comes out only at night. Even without his amazing suit, the name alone immediately brings up that image. 

a pile of comic books sitting on top of a tableEmre Turkan on Unsplash

9. Nightwing

As Batman's past protege, we love that Nightwing went down a different route and came up with a creative superhero name. After all, we much prefer this over something like Batboy. It's the perfect name that matches this slippery vigilante who fights off crime in the middle of the night. 

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10. Martian Manhunter

Bringing together the best of both aliens and superheroes, Martian Manhunter's got a name we can really appreciate. Not only does it roll off the tongue so effortlessly, it's got a cool sound to it that makes him seem powerful and charismatic. 

File:Martian Manhunter cosplay.jpgJim Reynolds on Wikimedia