
What Your Pokémon Starter Says About You

What Your Pokémon Starter Says About You

Pokémon and Personality

Everyone loves personality tests, but have you ever given much thought to what your Pokémon picks indicate about you? While you may have just chosen a certain starter for type-advantage or to differentiate a run, the one that calls to your heart the most offers up

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1. Pikachu

Pikachu is the mascot of Pokémon and many people’s favorite starter, or even first starter. If you are a true old-school Pokémon player, you remember that aside from the newer “Let’s Go” titles, Pikachu was a starter all the way back in Pokémon Yellow. Choosing Pikachu shows that you are a nostalgic person; you like to feel cozy and safe while thinking about the good old days.

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2. Charmander

A fan-favorite starter beloved by many. Although the debate still remains whether Charizard should have been a Dragon type or not, Terastallizing has made it possible for him to finally be one. If you picked Charmander as your starter, you likely love the feeling of looking strong and powerful, like you are ready to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders.

a stuffed toy sitting on top of a wooden benchAkin Cakiner on Unsplash

3. Chikorita

You might remember when Chikorita first appeared in the animated series. Everyone quickly fell in love with her due to how cute and jealous she was. What choosing this starter says about your personality is that you like to feel safe and warm; attention and love from others go a long way for you.

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4. Mudkip

The classic speedrun pick for the Generation 3 games, Mudkip has been many people’s absolute favorite starter. With an amazing and unique typing, as well as great stats and a wide movepool, it is a safe and strong partner. Picking Mudkip says that you like to be mainstream and follow trends, whether it’s in life or video games.

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5. Chimchar

Chimchar holds a special place in many people's hearts. Evolving into a strong mixed-attacking glass cannon, this Pokémon hits hard and outspeeds almost anything. If you chose Chimchar as your starter, you are most likely a very fiery and upbeat person who likes to push forward.

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6. Snivy

Generation 5 was most people’s favorite game in the series. With its elegant and regal look, Snivy was chosen by many as their starter for this region. If you were the one who chose this Grass starter, you are likely the type of person who is calm and collected, who appreciates the finer things.

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7. Froakie

Arguably the most popular Pokémon of all time, Greninja is Froakie’s last evolution. With a cool ninja concept and one of the top-tier shiny colors of all time, this Pokémon is beloved by the majority of Pokémon players. If you chose Froakie, you are likely a very organized and careful person; you pay close attention to your surroundings at all times.

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8. Litten

Alola is home to many regional variants, a concept that was first introduced in Generation 7. With three great starter choices, Litten is one of the more popular picks. Choosing this Fire starter means that you are a cool-headed person who thinks carefully about their choices.

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9. Grookey

Grookey is one of the starter Pokémon available in Generation 8. This mischievous chimp evolves into a cool drummer Pokémon with an amazing unique attack. You are most likely a rowdy and loud person who likes listening to music at full volume if this was your starter choice.

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10. Quaxly

The newest addition to the starters list, Quaxly has won over many trainers' hearts. A cute duck Pokémon who can have one of the most overpowered hidden abilities is definitely a fun choice. Picking Quaxly shows that you are a lively, fiery, and energetic person, but you also care about fashion and appearances.

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11. Eevee

Even though Eevee is only available as a starter in two games, it is definitely on the top 5 list of many people’s favorite Pokémon. With its cute and fuzzy look, we all wish this Pokémon was a real-life pet. If you choose Eevee as your starter, you are likely a very quiet person with strong emotions; you like to enjoy your alone time and do cozy things.

a small figurine of a pokemon sitting on the groundConnor Dickson on Unsplash

12. Bulbasaur

Number one in every National Dex, this Pokémon is a staple of starter choices. Being the only starter Pokémon to start with a dual typing, it is a very advantageous pick. Choosing Bulbasaur means you are likely a person who likes to think about the past, as well as daydream about the future.

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13. Totodile

Going back to Johto, Totodile is an amazing and cool-looking starter. With its amazing design, great moves, and high attack stats, it is the perfect Water Pokémon to use. If you picked this starter, this means you are the type of person who likes only the best things in life.

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14. Torchic

A Fire starter so strong that it was banned in competitive play. Blaziken is one of the most overpowered starter Pokémon due to its broken hidden ability. If you chose Torchic as your partner, you are most likely the type of person who likes to cut in line and get ahead of others.

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15. Turtwig

A cute turtle Pokémon with a tiny smile. This starter is a cute tortoise that evolves into a huge island-looking Pokémon. If this was your starter pick, you are likely the type of person who likes to eat their favorite food very late at night while you curl up under a blanket and watch your favorite show.

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16. Oshawott

Depending on what game you chose to play, Oshawott might or might not be your starter pick. Appearing as a starter option in Generation 5 as well as Legends: Arceus, this is one of very few starter Pokémon that got a regional variant. If you chose Oshawott, you likely love your bed and sleep more than anything.

a pile of pokemon trading cards sitting on top of each otherGiorgio Trovato on Unsplash

17. Fennekin

An adorable fox and many people’s favorite Pokémon, Fennekin is a Generation 6 starter Pokémon. With its amazing design and very unique typing, it’s one of the cooler picks. If Fennekin was your starter pick, you are the type of person who loves fantasy and intrigue, witches and wizards, magic and mystery.

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18. Rowlet

Another starter that has regional variant evolutions. Rowlet is a cute owl Pokémon that has grabbed a hold of trainers' hearts since the day it was introduced. If you chose Rowlet, you are likely the type of person who likes to feel safe and secure, but you also like to problem-solve.

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19. Sobble

A somewhat timid Pokémon that turns into a spy, Sobble was one of the most picked starters of this generation. From the introduction scene of the game, many people picked this one without a second thought. If you were one of those people, you are likely a very introverted person who only opens up to their closest friends.

a group of pokemon figurines sitting on top of a rockHalfcut Pokemon on Unsplash

20. Fuecoco

The latest Fire starter of the bunch, Fuecoco is a silly and clumsy crocodile Pokémon. Even though lots of people argue the final evolution should be standing on its back legs, it is still one of the most popular picks. If your starter choice was Fuecoco, you are likely a person who throws caution to the wind and does things spontaneously and without too much planning.

a couple of nintendo wii game controllers sitting on top of a tableBranden Skeli on Unsplash