Scary Video Game Villains We Never Want To See Again

Scary Video Game Villains We Never Want To See Again

Excuse Us as We Slowly Back Away

Good villains make or break a video game. Some don’t need fancy weapons or even chilling dialogue—sometimes all you need is an unstoppable presence. From little girls in red dresses to hostile AI, here are some of the scariest bad guys in games.  

VilltPhoto by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)

You’d think a character with such little screentime wouldn’t instill this much fear over the years—yet his iconic introduction and legendary blade make him a horror to remember. Given all he stands for and all he’s capable of, we still think twice before peering around any corners.

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2. Alma Wade (F.E.A.R 2)

No one wants to get stalked by a young girl’s malicious presence…no one wants to get stalked by her emaciated adult figure either. Neither have a lot of screentime, but it’s the anxiety that she could be in any corridor, appear at any moment, that makes her so terrifying. 

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3. Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)

Clowns are scary enough. Toss in a creepy laugh and a penchant for violence and he becomes something else entirely. Despite the maniacal theatrics, Kefka’s traumatic storyline makes him far more interesting than your run-of-the-mill villain—and far more successful. 

New York Comic Con 2013 - Kefka Palazzo (10275457064)Richie S on Wikimedia Commons


4. GLaDOS (Portal Series)

After all these years, we still can’t get GLaDOs out of our heads. How could we? When a sarcastic robot harbors that much hatred for you, all that’s left to do is wait for the next impossible task. Though, maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll just call us garbage.  

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5. Albert Wesker (Resident Evil) 

Albert Wesker had a…complicated childhood. He was kidnapped at a young age and essentially forced into loyalty, until the whole thing blew up in his face and he became a self-serving villain. It’s easy to get fooled by that slicked-back hair and leather coat, but those are just his modified genes talking—he’s still a predatory supersoldier.

730Px-Albert Wesker And Chris Redfield From Resident Evil 5GabboT on Wikimedia Commons

6. The Witch (Left 4 Dead)

We hate you, witch. Everything about you. From your deceitful sobbing to your banshee scream, all the way to your one-shot scratches. Whenever that eerie music swells, just go another route lest you startle the scariest villain in the game. 

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7. Lisa (Silent Hills)

Listen, we could talk all day about what could and should’ve been but we don’t have time for that. Instead, let’s just pay homage to Lisa’s heart-stopping presence. A looping hallway’s bad enough without a seven-foot-tall ghost dropping windows on your head or trying to break down bathroom doors. Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s. 

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8. Slender Man (Slender Man)

Slender Man may not seem scary by today’s standards, but he was the ultimate villain nearly a decade ago. We all tried our best to evade him, creeping through bathrooms and ripping down scribbled notes in the forest—but he always found us. 

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9. Giygas (Earthbound) 

People truly forget how freaky 8-bit games can be. Don’t worry, though because Earthbound reminded us. The scariest thing about Giygas is that he became a purely evil creature incapable of rational thought or reasoning. We’ll never forget that swirling red skull or chiptune tone.

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10. Scarecrow (Batman: Arkham Series) 

He knows you. He knows your deepest fears. He knows exactly how to toy with your mind, and he does it to our beloved Batman throughout the series. We knew it was time for another living nightmare as soon as our eyes went red. 

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11. Big Daddy (Bioshock) 

Oh, what’s that? Another scary little girl here to completely ruin our day? Though Little Sisters are harmless enough, you know a Big Daddy isn’t far behind. The only thing worse than their colossal footsteps and bad temper is knowing what they look like beneath the suit.  

C2E2 2014 Contest - Big Daddy (13922255977)GabboT on Wikimedia Commons

12. Necromorphs (Dead Space)

Hooray, it’s the opening scene of a horror game and help is already here! Oh…wait. To be fair, they do say fear is an excellent teacher and we certainly knew to run the other way whenever another necromorph showed up. 

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13. Lickers (Resident Evil) 

You’d think encountering a blind enemy would be a freebie—but it’s not. You better tiptoe around these abominations because even if they can’t see, they can hear you, and they’re just waiting for a pin to drop. 

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14. SHODAN (System Shock 2)

As if we need another reminder of AI’s evils. Those 10-year-old graphics won’t change SHODAN’s creepy face and lifeless eyes, reminding you not to fail her as she surrounds you on all sides. That glitching lag in her voice doesn’t help either. 

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15. Twin Victim (Silent Hill 4)

We don’t know what this is. All we know is that still scares us. Donning nothing more than a cloak and two freakishly long arms, poor Henry’s left to either book it or defend himself with simple melee objects. Either way, we’ll never forget those smushed little heads.  

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16. Xenomorph (Alien: Isolation) 

This iconic villain made its way into everything from movies to TV shows, but there’s something especially frightening about running away from it yourself. They’re quick, they’re intelligent, and you know they’re planning a jumpscare.   

Xenomorph (51643425582)Xenomorph on Wikimedia Commons

17. Cordyceps (The Last of Us)

With so many types of infected, players need to remain vigilant. Whether you face a Shambler head-on or sneak past the Clickers, there’s always something lurking in a crumbled building. Toss in the psychological horror of the Runners and you can consider us forever disturbed. 

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18. Mr. X (Resident Evil 2) 

That guy who just lifted a helicopter with one hand? Oh, don’t worry about him! That’s just Mr. X, a totally not-terrifying villain clad in all black who relentlessly hunts you. No matter what you try, he’ll emerge unscathed, probably even angrier. 

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19. Nurses (Silent Hill Series)

There we are, innocently walking down a pitch-black hallway when we hear heels clicking after us. Lo and behold, there is in all her glory—a creepy “nurse” whose head lolls and twitches with every step. Thankfully she’s easily defeated but that won’t stop the nightmares.

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20. Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3) 

There’s nothing worse than a villain who toys with you. The kind of guy who shouts, “Run, Forrest, run” but still chases you through the forest with his goons and dogs. A real Ramsay Bolton type. He’s just getting started, too. 

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