“You Must Construct Additional Pylons”!
Whether you’re a frequent gamer or a nonchalant player, you just can’t escape iconic video game sounds. From coin blocks and gold rings to aquatic ambiance and evil laughter, here are 20 of the most nostalgic sound bites we’ll never forget about.
1. Pac-Man, “Wakka Wakka”
No wonder those little ghosts ran away—who wouldn’t when all you heard was “wakka wakka” closing in behind you? We all remember this iconic sound bite, despite it fading into the background as we tried to top our high score.
2. Super Mario, Jump
Don’t lie, you can already hear it can’t you? We can too! In a franchise full of iconic sounds, none beats Mario’s boing as he leaped between platforms or bashed his head into a coin block (also a classic sound).
3. EA Sports, “It’s in the Game”
Don’t let its simplicity fool you—this incredible motto has branded sports video games since the ‘90s, and it’s not one we’ll forget soon. It might still play before the latest installments but our minds always rush to childhood.
4. Pokémon Series, Wall Bump
For such an unassuming sound, it sure landed a big spot in our brains. That little noise was basically “thud” in lowercase and sometimes we’d run into walls on purpose just to hear it.
5. Sonic Series, Ring Collection
Sonic was a man on the go. He rarely had time to stop and smell the flowers, but he did have time to race through a row of gold rings, leaving nothing but that sweet sound in his wake. Of course, its rush was quickly shattered when you ran into an enemy and spilled them all. But, Sonic giveth and Sonic taketh away.
6. Donkey Kong Country, Aquatic Ambience
There’s something oddly peaceful about DK’s underwater levels. Despite the enemy-infested waters and that terrifying croctopus that still gives us nightmares, the ambiance really took away the sting of those levels’ anxiety.
7. Pac-Man, Game Over
The only sound more iconic than Pac-Man’s chomping is the classic “game over” screen. It lasted just long enough to remind us of our failures and has permanent residence in our brains. Sei on Unsplash
8. Super Mario, Coin Collection
If we’re going to talk about Sonic’s rings, we have to talk about Mario’s coins. It’s gone through a few changes over the years, but we’re sticklers for the OG ‘80s sound. Chances are, when you think about it, that’s the one your brain remembers too.
9. Mortal Kombat Series, “Finish Him/Her”
We can’t forget the heart-racing sound bites from Mortal Kombat, especially with so many to choose from. Between all the punching noises and “Fatality”! announcements, we never forgot about the game’s encouragement to “finish him”. And we did.
10. Crash Bandicoot Series, Aku Aku
Shoutout to Aku Aku, the adorable mask responsible for Crash’s invisibility throughout the franchise. Perhaps more memorable than his face is the gibberish he spouts upon finding him. Though, former Naughty Dog employee Dave Baggett said his family frequently heard “rutabaga”. We could see that.
11. Final Fantasy VI, Kefka’s Laugh
Kefka seems like a joke at first. Oh, this literal clown who says “phooey” unironically is the biggest threat to mankind? Okay, buddy. But don’t let that goofy getup trick you—he’s a brutal, cunning villain and we still shudder at the sound of his laugh.
12. Street Fighter Series, “Hadouken”
We remember a lot of things about Street Fighter 2. We remember playing against our siblings, frantically button-mashing and begging them through tears to let us win. We remember those campy punching and kicking noises. But above all else, we remember Ryu shouting “Hadouken”! before hurling a ball of energy at our opponent. (If only we landed one of them).
13. GameCube Start Screen
Everything, literally everything, about the GameCube opener is amazing. We not only witnessed that cube make a perfect G, but we followed along to the cutest sound before it plopped itself in the middle. The start-up was almost as fun as the games.
14. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Chest Opening
Finding treasure chests was an event in Ocarina of Time. We all remember that slow build-up and camera pan as Link kicks their feet and dives into the chest. The music then crescendoed and Link threw their hands up to praise an item like a deity. Maps never felt so special.
15. Duck Hunt, Dog Laugh
Look, we love animals. But the Duck Hunt dog is fake and that means we’re allowed to hate him and his smug little cackle all we want. We can’t say we’re big fans of the noise he makes either, though we remember it well. Ravi Palwe on Unsplash
16. StarCraft, “You Must Construct Additional Pylons”
Oh, what’s that? You’re trying to warp in more units? Too bad! You must construct additional pylons! It’s a phrase gamers immediately recognize and everyday folk have likely heard, especially since it found its way into meme culture. However you remember it, it’s nostalgia at its finest.
17. Sega Console
“Se-ga”! Yeah, we were never going to get away with playing late at night. As jaunty (and memorable) as the intro was, it was also incredibly loud and we remember its volume over anything else.
18. Mortal Kombat Series, “Get Over Here”!
When Scorpion tells you to “get over here,” you listen. Of course, it’s pretty hard not when you’re being led in chains to the very fire-breather himself. Either way, this iconic line from the ‘90s withstood the test of time; though slightly different, it remains a popular catchphrase in today’s installments.
19. Pokémon Series, Capturing a Pokémon
You gotta catch ‘em all and heaven knows we tried throughout childhood. Thankfully, the game rewarded us with a catchy little tune every time we snagged one, and it’s a sound we still think about from time to time.
20. Mega Man, Game Over
Was there anything more devastating than Mega Man’s game over sound? It’s a quintessential sound bite that broke hearts everywhere, and we’re sorry to say that it still stings today.