
TheSavvyGamer’s Editorial Guideline Policy

Mission Statement:

Our writers at TheSavvyGamer all share the same goal: to provide readers with well-researched and expertly written articles that aim to educate and entertain. Each piece is handled with exceptional care, ensuring that everything produced is of the highest quality and upholds our core values of honesty and accountability. 

  1. Research & Accuracy: We are dedicated to producing carefully researched content that provides accurate information to our readers. We are responsible for only using reliable sources that help us capture diverse points of view.

  1. Image Attribution: We diligently credit all photos used in our articles to ensure authors get acknowledged for their work. We make certain to highlight the name and URL linked to each image. 

  1. Diversity & Inclusivity: Our writers work hard to deliver content that is unbiased and inclusive to a wide range of voices and perspectives. We’re especially careful when touching upon sensitive areas, avoiding language, images, and themes that may be offensive to specific communities. 

  1. Sensitivity: At TheSavvyGamer, we only create content that is mindful of people’s privacy and sensitivities. We refrain from using inappropriate or violent language and images as we strive to build a safe, comfortable environment for all audiences.

  1. Independent Content Creation: Our team follows an editorial process that begins with pitch ideation followed by research, writing, and publication. All ideas are brainstormed by our very own writing team. We hold frequent meetings to discuss and improve our approaches to content.

  1. Professionalism: We write with the highest degree of professionalism ensuring that all of our articles follow an appropriate tone and style. Each article is carefully reviewed and edited before publishing.

  1. Reader Feedback: We take our readers’ feedback very seriously to create a healthy community. Likes and comments are taken into account when reviewing our content strategy. 

Review & Updates: This editorial guideline policy is regularly assessed and revised according to changing company practices, industry standards, and the evolution of our content strategies. 

Acknowledgment: Our entire Roughmaps content team is required to review and follow these guidelines. Displaying an inability to adhere to these policies will lead to disciplinary actions. 

TheSavvyGamer’s Editorial Corrections Policy

TheSavvyGamer is fully committed to providing our audiences with error-free, reliable content. We actively review our articles to guarantee the information is accurate, but should any errors be made known, they are fixed promptly. Our editorial corrections policy found below captures our team's dedication to identifying and correcting any such mistakes.

  1. Identifying Errors: Our team puts extra effort into our editing process to reduce the chances of errors. Even after publishing, we are constantly monitoring our content to ensure no corrections need to be made. We take immediate action should any be brought to our attention.

  1. Corrections Process: Articles with errors are promptly taken down so revisions can be made. Small spelling or grammatical mistakes are fixed quickly while larger errors are carefully edited. We work meticulously to guarantee our republished content is spotless. 

  1. Revision Speed: All edits and revisions are done immediately after errors are identified. We strive to build a platform that publishes only flawless work. 

  1. Transparency and Accountability: We take full responsibility for any mistakes in our writing. We aim to be transparent about our corrections process, making this editorial corrections policy accessible on our site.

  1. Reader Feedback: We appreciate any and all comments and feedback made by our readers. Any errors being spotlighted will be thoroughly reviewed following these guidelines.

Review & Updates: This editorial corrections policy is frequently reviewed so we can include new additions or updates that reflect our team’s goals of quality and accuracy.

Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]